Masud Ibrahim Oniye (PhD), Zainudin Hassan (PhD), Mas’ud Oniye Tawakalitu, Saidu Abubakar (PhD), Jimoh Adeniyi ALABI


Personality traits and creativity among pre-service teachers of public universities in Kwara state in Nigeria is the focus of the study. Using a descriptive survey of the correlational type. A sample size of 586 respondents were used for a population of approximately 5000. This is based on Research Advisor table for sample size (2006), at 99% confidence level and under 5.0% margin of error).The Big-Five personality traits byJohn & Srivastava (1999) was adopted for data collection. Out of the 586 copies of a questionnaire administered, 455 were retrieved; while 357 were adequate for data analysis. The Pearson (r) statistics and Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) was used to analyse the data collected. The findings indicated that there was no 

significant relationship between extraversion (r = 0.036), neuroticism (r = 0.087) and creativity; but positive relationship exists between agreeableness and creativity (r = 0.142); conscientiousness and creativity (r = 0.128) and openness and creativity (r = 0.318). The Big-Five personality traits are jointly predictors of creativity, but only openness independently predicts creativity; while extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and neuroticism did not predict creativity. Therefore, teachers ‘education should be targeted towards identifying their personality traits and how they can be harnessed for creativity oriented educational development.


Keywords--- Personality, Traits, Creativity, Pre-service, Teachers, Public, Universities, Kwara, State, Nigeria.

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