This study explored skills needed by OTM educators for the maintenance of office machines in polytechnics in Ogun State. Three research questions were raised and three null hypotheses were tested for the study. Descriptive survey research design was adopted. The entire population of 53 OTM educators in the four public polytechnics in Ogun State were studied without sampling. A validated five point rating scale questionnaire containing 26 items was used for data collection. Cronbach alpha was used to obtain reliability coefficients of 0.86, 0.77 and 0.71 for the different clusters with an overall coefficient of 0.78. The instrument was administered to the respondents with the help of four research assistants. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while t-test was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Findings of the study revealed that preventive, corrective and predictive skills are highly needed by OTM educators for the maintenance of office machines in polytechnics in Ogun State. OTM educators in polytechnics in Ogun State do not differ significantly in their mean ratings on preventive, corrective and predictive skills needed for the maintenance of office machines based on years of teaching experience. The study concluded that preventive, corrective and predictive skills are highly needed by OTM educators for the maintenance of office machines in polytechnics in Ogun State.The study recommended among others that educational stakeholders and curriculum planners should integrate preventive, corrective and predictive maintenance skills into OTM programme so that OTM educators and students can learn and acquire the requisite skills needed for prolonging the reliability and functionality value of office machines in the classroom.
Keywords: Polytechnic, Maintenance, Office Technology and Management, Office Machines
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