Idayat N. BALOGUN (PhD), Ridwan A. MURITALA


Every society prescribes values to which citizens must conform to make the society a heaven for all. It became necessary to examine this perception in a school setting where what is taught as values is truly what is in operation in Nigerian society. This research adopted a descriptive research design of survey type. The population consisted of all senior secondary school students of public schools in Ilorin; the target population consisted of Senior Secondary School 2 students of the public secondary school in three Local government areas. A sample of 328 senior secondary school students was randomly selected across the three local governments that constitute Ilorin. A self-constructed questionnaire was used as the main instrument to elicit information from the respondents. The reliability of the instrument was initiated using Cronbach Alpha statistical tool with an estimated reliability value of 0.82. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics (Mean ranking). The findings revealed that absenteeism, examination malpractice, bullying, fighting, dangerous activities and stealing were the deviant behaviours frequently exhibited among the students. while, increased social vices, unwanted pregnancy, physical injury, and increased rate of insecurity were the prominent consequences of deviant behaviours. Restorative ideals which include regular parent-teacher conferences, use of professional counsellors with requisite knowledge and skills, and Teachers acting as role models, are some of the perceived control measures for deviant behaviour. It was concluded that all stakeholders in education should employ any available mechanisms as intervention strategies to curb deviant behaviour in Nigerian schools and society. The study recommends that cognitive processes such as attention, retention, reproduction and motivation should be deployed in the teaching and learning process to curb deviant behaviour in schools and society at large.

Keywords: Control Measure, Deviant Behaviour, Perceived Consequences, Senior Secondary School, Students

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