Dr. Sunday Ughwubetine Irighweferhe


This study investigated and evaluated Mathematical self-efficacy and academic performance of junior secondary school students. The design for the study is a correlational survey design aimed at finding the relationship between Mathematical self-efficacy and academic performance in Mathematics of junior secondary school students. A population of 16,452 third-year junior secondary school students in Ughelli North local government area of Delta state in the 2023/2024 academic session was used for the study. A two-stage multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 200 students for the research. Two instruments of questionnaire and multiple-choice items were used for data collection. Both instruments were validated using expert judgment. The instruments were validated by a Measurement and Evaluation expert and an experienced Mathematics teacher who has been teaching for the past 20 years. The questionnaire's reliability index, r, was 0.78 using Crobash Alpha while the reliability of the multiple-choice item was established with Kuder-Richarson Formula 20 with a coefficient of 0.82. To guide the study five research questions were raised. The Pearson correlation method was used to analyse the data and a coefficient of 0.577 was obtained, indicating that self-efficacy correlated with academic performance with the indices of 0.577. It was also revealed that the coefficient of determination 0.213 indicated that parents' motivation, using various techniques and materials in teaching and socio-economic status will improve Mathematical self-efficacy by 21.3% in academic performance. It was revealed that gender has varying impacts on male and female students. Conclusions were drawn and recommendations were made.


Keywords: Investigation, Evaluation, Mathematical self-efficacy and Academic performance           



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