Rahmat Arinola NASAMU, Adeleye Olorunkunmi OYUNNIYI, Asmau Bolanle QUDUS, Usman Tunde SAADU


This study examined the influence of learning styles on pupils’ Academic performance in Numeracy in Ilorin West Local Government Area of Kwara State,Nigeria. The study employed Correlational research design. The population comprised all the primary school pupils’in Ilorin West Local Government Area. The study sample size was 359 pupils, using proportional sampling techniques.The instruments for data collection were pupils’ learning styles Questionnaire (PLSQ)’ and Numeracy Achievement Test. The reliability coefficient of instruments are: 0.73 and 0.71 research questions and four hypotheses were answered and tested in this study. ANOVA and Independent samples t-test were used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance.Visual Learning style is the predominant learning style among pupils, it has the highest ( weighted Average=2.31),there is no significant composite influenceoflearning styles on the academic performance of pupils (F(3,179)=0.03;p>0.05),none of the independent variablesvisual(β=0.017;t=0.22;p>0.05),auditory(β=0.23;t=-0.27;p>0.05),and kinesthetic (β=0.01;t=0.07;p>0.05) have significant relative influence on the dependent variable, there is no significant difference in the academic performance of male and female pupils in numeracy (t=-0.76; df=27; p>0.05), and no significant difference exist in the academic performance of public and private pupils in numeracy (t=-0.453; df=357;p<0.05). The following recommendations were made: Teachers should be sensitive to pupils’ different learning styles such as Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic so as to ensure effective pedagogy during teaching and learning.Teachers should be encouraged to attend seminars,training and workshops so as to keep them abreast of new and more effective teaching methods,


Keywords: learning styles,Numeracy Academic performance 

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